The Power of Purpose:
Discovering your Life Purpose

Get clear about your mission, cast a vision, and learn how to live and work with straightforward direction.

by Jennifer Stanley


February 1, 2025 Workshop

You've got a purpose, but autopilot won't get you there.

Too many of us are going through life without a north star (our personal purpose) to direct us to our most meaningful lives.

Drifting along may sound safe, but really, you’re missing out on your greatest adventure.

It’s time to get intentional about your time, talent, passion, and resources. Don't waste another day just hoping you'll find your purpose. Get the inspiration, guidance, and support you need to unearth and chart your personal purpose for life.

what to expect


An actionable Purpose Statement that you can start implementing.


Lifetime access to
The Power of Purpose course

Live community coaching with Jen & Wil every week

One-on-one coaching Session with Jen or Wil

Collaborate with an AM or PM Discussion Group

What's Inside

Create something you are proud of that can guide and direct your life decisions.

Learn alongside a community who is also trying to live more purposeful lives.

Discuss the modules and keep you on track with built-in accountability.

For professional feedback on your purpose statement.

Plus, access to the recordings for each discussion.

Each week you will learn from one of our expert instructors, Jennifer Stanley or Wil Davis at the AM or PM workshop time. (Recordings will be available)

The Power of Purpose is jam-packed with step-by-step guidance on how to live with more purpose, even if you can't quit your responsibilities, relationships, and duties!

Meet Jen + Wil

Father/Daughter Duo. Purpose Partners.

Is your personal or professional life falling flat? We’ve been there.

While Jennifer was a toddler, Wil landed his first “real job” out of college. What he thought would be the perfect career path to ultimate success and happiness turned out to be an unfulfilling and disappointing “job”. This experience was the catalyst for his personal quest to find true meaning in work and life. 

Jennifer achieved her dream of being a professional singer and enjoyed a ten year career traveling the world as an independent artist. But, when she decided it was time to retire, she felt completely lost. She wondered if she would ever feel a sense of purpose without the career she had loved. 

If your life feels a bit deflated, mundane, and aimless, we get it. And we know how to help you get your spark back. With 40 years experience in corporate business and entrepreneurship, Wil has taught thousands of people how to align their personal purpose with their work and life. Wil and Jennifer share a vision for helping others identify and craft their personal purpose statement and live with more joy and more impact. 

trusted by many


Understanding your purpose and what you're designed and created to do gives you freedom and confidence.

Wil helped me define my purpose and how to use it in my various roles as a CEO, father, and community member.

Jason Brooks

After creating my mission statement, I was able to say 'yes' to a lot of opportunities I probably wouldn't have and say no to things that no longer served me.

And in doing that, there has been abundant joy in my life I've never experienced before.

Stephanie Wilson

Wil helped me put my purpose into writing.

Having it in plain sight every day helps me at work, in my hobbies, and in everything that I do. My life is aligned.

Karen Lloyd

kind words

karen loyd

jason brooks

stephanie wilson

Ready to get

Learn to use your unique purpose to lead the amazing life you were meant to have.




the modules

By the numbers


You Have a Purpose

Coursework is done individually, at your own pace but coaching takes place weekly. The total time for this course and the assignments is approximately 120 mins, plus 3 optional, 1-hr coaching sessions.


Crafting Your Personal Purpose Statement


Purpose Powered Living

When you finish the course, you will have the opportunity to share your purpose statement with us so we can help you with any final touches and celebrate your new-found purpose with you!

login portal

live    coaching


Discover your unique one-of-a-kind purpose today.

Ready to live with purpose?

Enrolling Now

The Power of Purpose

JOIN OUR February 1st workshop

Sale! $99 $49

Value of $855

Breakfast is included for those coming to the Yorktown, IN venue.

Workbooks will be mailed to virtual students.


Join us in Yorktown, IN or from the comfort of home on February 1, 2025 as we work together to write your one-of-a-kind purpose statement.