
discover your enneagram number

Despite what you may have heard, uncovering your number cannot be done with a free online test or a friend telling you what number they think you are!

Discovering your Enneagram number is a journey of self-discovery. 

Why pay for a test I can take for free?
If you are ready to discover your Enneagram number, start here. 
For many years I have discouraged test-taking because of the quality and inaccuracy of the tests available. Even though there are plenty of free Enneagram tests out there, the problem is they fail to delve into the core of who you truly are and often times, provide unreliable results. (You get what you pay for!)

However, I have discovered that the well-vetted, highly trusted WEPPS test combined with a personal consultation to review and interpret your results is the best way to start accurately determining your Enneagram number.


When you request a test, you will receive an email with a link to the testing site within 24 hours. You can take the test at anytime that is convenient for you once you receive your link. (The testing link comes from donotreply@crosspointminsitry.com. Please add this address to your safe-senders and/or check your spam folder, in case it goes there first.) 

The test is 200 questions. For each question, you will be asked to consider a specific word. I recommend you “hover” over the word to get a definition as your form your response. 

When you have completed the test, please request a 30-minute consultation using the link provided in your follow-up email. We will discuss your test results and help you find your next steps in discovering your number and utilizing the enneagram to the its fullest advantage. 

taking the test: What to Expect