Recently, I had the incredible experience of visiting London, Rome, Florence, and Tuscany. Our daughter was studying abroad in London, and we took advantage of her fall break by going with her to Italy. I soaked in the culture, I ate delicious food, and I couldn’t help but learn more about the Enneagram. (Am I truly an Enneagram-geek?… yes, yes I am.) Over the next few blog posts, I’d love to share some of my observations. It is true that when you get outside your normal routine, you see things in a fresh way.
So, let’s start with me gazing at the statue of David, one of Michelangelo’s greatest works, listening to our guide tell us of his wondrous creation. Michelangelo did not prepare a clay model before he began carving. He simply allowed himself to discover David in the stone. “David, the true David, was already inside the stone. Michelangelo simply had to reveal him to the world.”
She then asked us to stand farther away and notice intentional “errors” in the form.
From far away, it was obvious that the sculptor, known for his accuracy in depicting the human body (because he was studying corpses at night) had made David’s hands and his head disproportionately large. “Why? Why would the most accurate sculptor in the world make obviously his hands and his head too big?” our guide was excitedly asking.
She then took us up front, as close as we could be, and asked us to look into David’s eyes. “What do you see”? Hearts. David’s pupils are in the shape of a heart.
David, the shepherd boy, needed his hands, his mind, and his heart to bravely fulfill his purpose, defeat the giant, and become the King of Israel. (Bible, 1 Samuel, chapter 17)
WE ARE SIMILAR to the david in that our truest selves are often hiding within the protective layers of our personality. And, we must rely on our hands (doing), head, (thinking), and heart (feeling), to live with balance and bravery. As we chisel away at what doesn’t serve us (using the Enneagram as our tool), we begin to recover the beautiful and sacred human God designed. This is why I believe the Enneagram is so powerful. It does not force you “into” anything, it simply reveals who you really are, and YOU, my friend, are a work of art.
If you would like to know more about the Enneagram, here are a couple of resources. Just click the picture, and it will link you to more information.