Right now Europe is experiencing a post-pandemic revival in tourism. Tourists are flocking to these iconic locations in record numbers. It’s crowded! People are moving in every direction, speaking many different languages, and all trying to navigate the same popular sights. What a perfect place to spot the three Enneagram stances: aggressive, dependent, and withdrawn. And, even more ideal, my travel partners and I each have a different stance.
Anna, Jennifer, and Casey in the Vatican City.
Me: E-3 (Aggressive Stance)
Casey: E-6 (Dependent Stance)
Anna: E-4 (Withdrawn Stance)
There are three types of people in the crowded room just outside the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City.
Aggressive stance numbers move against the crowd to follow their guide as closely as possible so they won’t miss out on anything. They will push (gently) and make a move first when face-to-face with another person wanting to go in the same direction. They will literally step into traffic in order to get where they need to go. (Feel free to ask me how I know this! haha!) This movement toward and through happens instinctively without thought. I have to say, I never missed a word from the guide and kept my spot protected very well. If other people didn’t want to work as hard to keep up, well, there was just one problem….. my family did not share my approach!
Dependent stance numbers are those who assess the crowd and the traffic flow patterns for the best route. They look people in the eye to decide who is supposed to go first and typically make a responsible and relational decision when in these congested scenarios. Speaking of responsibility, you can count on the Dependent stance numbers to know the maps, take pictures, and keep the whole group’s best interest in mind.
Withdrawn stance numbers are people who, God bless them, can’t stay with the group on a crowded day for anything. The withdrawn stance will move away more naturally, especially in chaos. This instinctual “pause” leaves them easy prey for the aggressive people to move right past them (#suckers- just kidding!). I swear we thought we lost our daughter so many times, only to find her waiting for the right time to catch up, typically lost in her thoughts and curiosity about her surroundings. Honestly, she would have been just as happy in a coffee shop watching the world go by, and I love her for it.
So which stance do YOU resonate with? I’d love to hear! There is MUCH MORE to learn and know about how your stance impacts how you interpret and interact with the world. I’d love to have you join Authentically You which will cover stances and so much more! It’s the deep dive into the Enneagram you are craving! Join the waitlist for more information about the course in January.
If you would like to know more about the Enneagram, here are a couple of resources…