It’s the weekend of feasts, football games, family gatherings, and black Friday shopping. We know it’s the holiday of giving thanks, and year after year, we go through the rituals of sharing our thanks; around dinner tables, on social media, and via a few text messages to those we feel most grateful.
How to be more grateful
As I work with more and more people as an Enneagram coach, I have been thinking about how to do gratitude “better”. That might sound terrible… isn’t gratitude good no matter how it comes? Well, yes, but it is likely incomplete and missing something important.
“Why, Charlie Brown”? “Why”? “Does anyone here know WHY our gratitude is somewhat “incomplete”?
Because our centers of intelligence (thinking, feeling, doing) are not naturally balanced.
Every number has a naturally STRONG center of intelligence. This is important because it impacts how we interpret and interact with the world.
8, 9, and 1 are strongest in doing.
2, 3, 4 are strongest in feeling
5, 6, 7 are strongest in thinking.
But, what’s more important for today’s exercise is that each number also has a naturally WEAK center of intelligence. In some cases, a number’s strongest center is also their weakest (but we don’t need to go into that right now).
4, 5, 9 are weakest in doing
3, 7, 8, are weakest in feeling
1, 2, 6 are weakest in thinking
The goal in gratitude, and all of life, is to balance your thinking, feeling, and doing so that we are operating from the most whole, authentic, and best self.
Here are my tips for how to make the most out of your opportunities for gratitude…by the number….
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